if you're all alone, when the pretty birds have flown, honey, i'm still free
take a chance on me

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student in CVSS, 3F'10. ex-student of PCS, 6A'07
Of course, I've got awesome friends that beat the rest. And I hate those bitches in my life. Gosh!
I would like a hoodie, an iPod touch, a new Nokia X6, new wallet, moar CHOCOLATES, 'cuz I've got a sweet tooth. Heh.
You can follow me on twitter if you like :)


just love me day by day
6A'07♥ 2H'09♥ PSC
adeline amelia angelyn azimah bingbing caishan camille celinef celinep cheryl chunleng clarisa clement dion eunice faye francis hazwan jane jared jaslyn jiahui jiarong jingyi jingyu joyce a.kailin o.kailin liyen manting marcus.low marcus.l marcus.t peien peizhi pengseng qianyu rachel rebecca rucui sandra shaun shuhui simin siwei tingkiaw vanessa vivian yeewei yingteng yingxin yongqin yuling zhenpang

okay.. finally got time post .can elaborate ?ytd w... / erm , in class posting !!nth to post about ..but v... / fast post ;ytd was bored la ;shop lo , play dota .... / today iamtiredexhaustedpissed yes, pissed . dont m... / crap , quick post . scared our dance ..tmr not app... / okay okay fast post ..lessons BORED dao again . ex... / T.I. ft. Justin Timberlake - Dead and GoneOhh (hey... / okay i want to TALK .although there's nothing to p... / okay shortpost since brother want use -.-today hav... / yes , today's morning was FINALLY FUN (:had a tast... /

Coded by hasta mañana with gratitude towards thebikiniboy. Header inspirations: scintillantstar | Icon: crumblee xxx

follow me on twitter ~
Tuesday, March 3, 2009 /9:39 PM

quiz by edwin.

1)If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
i got then remind me about this problem .
2)If you could have a dream come true, what would it be?
get another million wishes to fulfill .
3)What would do with a billion dollars?
earn into gazillions and throw money at bill gate's face ..
4)Will you fall in love with your best friend?
WEIAN . watch out hor jia .
5)Which is more blessed: loving someone or being loved by someone?
6)How long do you intend to wait for someone you love?
till i die .
7)Would you rather go to cinema with friends or lover?
lover vry less chance hab time 1 la ..
8)What takes you down the fastest?
ermm? wat do u tink?
9)Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
reservice .. and getting a shitty job (:
10)What’s your fear?
who earn if i say .
11)What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
okok la .. councilor lorh !!
12)Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?
married and poor .
13)If you fall in love with two people simultaneously who will you pick?
you watch then you know lo
14)Would you give all in a relationship?
you watch then you know lo
15)Would you forgive and forget someone no matter how horrible a thing he has done?
forgive , but NEVER forget :DDD
16)Do you prefer being single or in a relationship?
relationship obv much better right .