if you're all alone, when the pretty birds have flown, honey, i'm still free
take a chance on me

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student in CVSS, 3F'10. ex-student of PCS, 6A'07
Of course, I've got awesome friends that beat the rest. And I hate those bitches in my life. Gosh!
I would like a hoodie, an iPod touch, a new Nokia X6, new wallet, moar CHOCOLATES, 'cuz I've got a sweet tooth. Heh.
You can follow me on twitter if you like :)


just love me day by day
6A'07♥ 2H'09♥ PSC
adeline amelia angelyn azimah bingbing caishan camille celinef celinep cheryl chunleng clarisa clement dion eunice faye francis hazwan jane jared jaslyn jiahui jiarong jingyi jingyu joyce a.kailin o.kailin liyen manting marcus.low marcus.l marcus.t peien peizhi pengseng qianyu rachel rebecca rucui sandra shaun shuhui simin siwei tingkiaw vanessa vivian yeewei yingteng yingxin yongqin yuling zhenpang

blogging early in the morning .cos going for SL la... / posting ;today is crappieee ):PE mrslim nvr come D... / ohmygod .i havent been posting for such DAMN long ... / WOTS . today darn tired. D:lessons sibeh bored , w... / today chao funny (:PE lesson like , train 2.4km ..... / LOLtoday wad lol-ed .morning - CHANGE SEATING ARRA... / uh oh .my new seating arrangement will beoh-so bor... / okok today is like ARGH .CL kinda slacked , test g... / aw c'mon , HOLIDAYS ARE OVER .DARN .this whole hol... / omg .blogger was down for such a long time . omgom... /

Coded by hasta mañana with gratitude towards thebikiniboy. Header inspirations: scintillantstar | Icon: crumblee xxx

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Sunday, April 5, 2009 /6:34 PM

okay, really had a GREAAT destress in the morning .
ytd was really bad morning .
got ticked off thoroughly for YOG proj . many things need to be redone .
i feel so - depressed .
munling & azimah had so much faith in us in doing the project ,
but what have we given them ? scoldings by mr chua ?
for being bad mentors/sub-mentors?
thats not the way . we were the ones at fault . for not taking enough initiative .
for not being together as a group . always having troubles with each other .
i just dont get it .
almost cried ytd .
so aftnoon , went cp eat lunch with kl , zh, yw, cl . macs .
saw shaowen & friends eat pizzahut :o omg .
then kl remind us -
so, called him out .
then all go my house , blahblah .
went hougang green ..
me dota . wahahaha . well played .
then cs .
so , sent jy and zh home ;
brought yw to clinic .
then went home take storybook -.-
then go cp eat dinner [ saw marc ]
then parted ways with yw after walkwalk ..
went pastamania buy dinner for bro , home-d .
today morning slack -.-
then go out . bfast .
then go play dota , real well played .
just now went out , blahblah .