if you're all alone, when the pretty birds have flown, honey, i'm still free
take a chance on me

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student in CVSS, 3F'10. ex-student of PCS, 6A'07
Of course, I've got awesome friends that beat the rest. And I hate those bitches in my life. Gosh!
I would like a hoodie, an iPod touch, a new Nokia X6, new wallet, moar CHOCOLATES, 'cuz I've got a sweet tooth. Heh.
You can follow me on twitter if you like :)


just love me day by day
6A'07♥ 2H'09♥ PSC
adeline amelia angelyn azimah bingbing caishan camille celinef celinep cheryl chunleng clarisa clement dion eunice faye francis hazwan jane jared jaslyn jiahui jiarong jingyi jingyu joyce a.kailin o.kailin liyen manting marcus.low marcus.l marcus.t peien peizhi pengseng qianyu rachel rebecca rucui sandra shaun shuhui simin siwei tingkiaw vanessa vivian yeewei yingteng yingxin yongqin yuling zhenpang

TRANSFORMERS 2 / BAN.ZAI >< / transformers! / hmm.shall say i did some h/w today (:went out to d... / DINNER. / bad news.somebody has been procrastinating.the who... / finally back. (:PSC camp.had fun. lols.but prob wa... / so, today was camp.only slept.. 4hours.cos weather... / so, read the picture.although not the drunk-kind-o... / erm, today is slack-day. shit.shud've slept for th... /

Coded by hasta mañana with gratitude towards thebikiniboy. Header inspirations: scintillantstar | Icon: crumblee xxx

follow me on twitter ~
Friday, June 26, 2009 /11:32 PM

today is fun (:
had full board @ morning, me and bryan first to reach.
so, full board meeting etc.
mainly about sec1s, since they first day (:
so, had debrief.. till kinda late.
then chiong home with mark , so that we can catch up in time to VIVO!!.
made it in time (:
in then is faye, jaslyn, yingxin later. lol.
so, checked the time.
then i can catch TRANSFORMERS again ! D:
all selling fast, sold out etc. you get the idea.
its a friday~ and its a new movie~ ): sadded.
so caught land of the lost - DAMN SICK LUH. lols.
clement laugh laugh laugh .. so loud. lols.
tiaoka at th seat in front again =p
cos we sit so in close.. mus one. for maximum movie sensation. hehes.
then after movie went dinner @ kopitiam.
after dinner went up slack (:
first time at night go upstairs.. the atmosphere is like.... awkward.
not really for kids. geddit?
and there was 2 INDIAN GUYS sitting like girls in tht smexy pose ;o
mark go say they sit lidat bcos they cant see each other.. LOLS.
so they attempted throwing idiots in =/ lucky nvr.
only the girls and mark got into the water. all wear shoes duwan go in.
then went walk walk around. time flew fast ):
vry fast jiu 10pm.. sian. mrt-ed back. vry sleepy on the way back -,-
so alight hougang, bus-ed back with mark.
come back drink water spill kena kpkb by mother luh.
duno wad her problem. wtf.
see me buaysong or sth. nvm dun care.
i just got great news i cant wait - boys like girls getting new album out soon!!
8sept! very fast one! their single is out - LOVE DRUNK ;O
gona change my blogsong into that when they have a nicer version B)
peace ; gotta sleep.