if you're all alone, when the pretty birds have flown, honey, i'm still free
take a chance on me

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student in CVSS, 3F'10. ex-student of PCS, 6A'07
Of course, I've got awesome friends that beat the rest. And I hate those bitches in my life. Gosh!
I would like a hoodie, an iPod touch, a new Nokia X6, new wallet, moar CHOCOLATES, 'cuz I've got a sweet tooth. Heh.
You can follow me on twitter if you like :)


just love me day by day
6A'07♥ 2H'09♥ PSC
adeline amelia angelyn azimah bingbing caishan camille celinef celinep cheryl chunleng clarisa clement dion eunice faye francis hazwan jane jared jaslyn jiahui jiarong jingyi jingyu joyce a.kailin o.kailin liyen manting marcus.low marcus.l marcus.t peien peizhi pengseng qianyu rachel rebecca rucui sandra shaun shuhui simin siwei tingkiaw vanessa vivian yeewei yingteng yingxin yongqin yuling zhenpang

okay i gotta do a quick post , BUSY NIGHT !! :Otod... / ok vry bored now..camp suck alot of my blood arh ,... / ELLOS EVERYONE !! IM OFFICIALLY BACK FROM CAMP ! :... / okay quick post quick post :DDDgotta do packing ye... / quiz by edwin.1)If your lover betrayed you, what w... / okay.. finally got time post .can elaborate ?ytd w... / erm , in class posting !!nth to post about ..but v... / fast post ;ytd was bored la ;shop lo , play dota .... / today iamtiredexhaustedpissed yes, pissed . dont m... / crap , quick post . scared our dance ..tmr not app... /

Coded by hasta mañana with gratitude towards thebikiniboy. Header inspirations: scintillantstar | Icon: crumblee xxx

follow me on twitter ~
Friday, March 13, 2009 /11:03 PM

okay IM BACK . hope nobody will eer miss me :DDDD
lets start all over from TUESDAY .
tuesday ;
lessons as usual ; SKIP .
after sch had remedial .. till 2.30 .
then chiong home take items .. went hougang mall buy deodorant for edwin ,
jacket for chunleng .
went clement house drop bags , then go hougang green ..
play l4d .
so fun ; me zh clement yw . (:
4 people complete 1 map together :DD .
then went back clement house watch tv then sleep ..
wednesday ;
woke up at 4am .. had a very bad dry throat .
ate bfast , go sch .
gather los , very long .
then took bus , immigration stuffs . darn long .
cannot sleep in bus larh D:
only can remember went agricutural park . kinda boring .
then went dinner .. then firefly park .
place was rather creepy .
then admire the fireflies .
blink blink blink thats all .
then went back hotel .. finally . slack lo , watch tv . shower , eat cup noodles , SLEEP .
thursday ;
woke up at 6.20 lolol .
then change and quickly went bfast . hehe .
then slack awhile ,
bus to FRIM .
sat at the back of the bus , SLEEP LIKE SIAO .
got brief , then went trekking .
slippery + ups & downs :s
was exciting luh .
then yeewei caught 1 leech ,
beatrice kena bitten & lifang kena but drop out .
ate lunch .
then went the landfill thingy place o.o
then long journey back to hotel ..
rest but then nid do the file stuff sianx .
then go back hotel slack ;
dinnered . do file again , watch screwed Wall-E , plan stuff ,
went back rooms ,
damn FUNNY sial .
they go in ,
hantam hantam like siao :DDD
javon come in they POOM like !@#@!$#%$#
then his specs spoil LAWL .
marc also kena aim . shaun also .
then sian liao 12am went back sleep lo ..
friday ;
woke up earlier , but go down same time .
bfast ; then went up mini pillow fight :DD LOLS .
went down activities . lol .
we own seh , so many prizes .
then end le went UP . SUPER PILLOW FIGHT !!
so many ppl join ;
then javon wan play also ,
kena gangbang like siao .
me & chunleng hide under table (:
then lunch , prize ceremony .
went shopping .. buy shirts .
came back lo ..
damn long - till 9++
homed shower dinner computer .
sleeping soon (: