Friday, March 13, 2009 /11:03 PM
okay IM BACK . hope nobody will eer miss me :DDDD
lets start all over from TUESDAY .
tuesday ;lessons as usual ; SKIP .
after sch had remedial .. till 2.30 .
then chiong home take items .. went hougang mall buy deodorant for edwin ,
jacket for chunleng .
went clement house drop bags , then go hougang green ..
l4d .
so fun ; me zh clement yw . (:
4 people complete 1 map together :DD .
then went back clement house
watch tv then sleep ..
wednesday ;woke up at
4am .. had a very bad dry throat .
ate bfast , go sch .
gather los , very long .
then took bus , immigration stuffs . darn long .
cannot sleep in bus larh D:
only can remember went agricutural park . kinda boring .
then went dinner .. then firefly park .
place was rather creepy .
then admire the fireflies .
blink blink blink thats all .
then went back hotel ..
finally . slack lo , watch tv . shower , eat cup noodles , SLEEP .
thursday ;woke up at 6.20 lolol .
then change and quickly went bfast . hehe .
then slack awhile ,
bus to
sat at the back of the bus ,
got brief , then went trekking .
slippery + ups & downs :s
was exciting luh .
then yeewei caught 1
leech ,
beatrice kena bitten & lifang kena but drop out .
ate lunch .
then went the landfill thingy place o.o
then long journey back to hotel ..
rest but then nid do the file stuff sianx .
then go back hotel slack ;
dinnered . do file again , watch
screwed Wall-E , plan stuff ,
went back rooms ,
damn FUNNY sial .
they go in ,
hantam hantam like siao :DDD
javon come in they
POOM like !@#@!$#%$#
then his specs spoil LAWL .
marc also kena aim .
shaun also .
then sian liao 12am went back sleep lo ..
friday ;woke up earlier , but go down same time .
bfast ; then went up
mini pillow fight :DD LOLS .
went down activities . lol .
we own seh , so many prizes .
then end le went UP .
so many ppl join ;
javon wan play also ,
kena gangbang like siao .
me & chunleng hide under table (:
then lunch , prize ceremony .
went shopping .. buy
shirts .
came back lo ..
damn long - till
9++homed shower dinner computer .
sleeping soon (: