if you're all alone, when the pretty birds have flown, honey, i'm still free
take a chance on me

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student in CVSS, 3F'10. ex-student of PCS, 6A'07
Of course, I've got awesome friends that beat the rest. And I hate those bitches in my life. Gosh!
I would like a hoodie, an iPod touch, a new Nokia X6, new wallet, moar CHOCOLATES, 'cuz I've got a sweet tooth. Heh.
You can follow me on twitter if you like :)


just love me day by day
6A'07♥ 2H'09♥ PSC
adeline amelia angelyn azimah bingbing caishan camille celinef celinep cheryl chunleng clarisa clement dion eunice faye francis hazwan jane jared jaslyn jiahui jiarong jingyi jingyu joyce a.kailin o.kailin liyen manting marcus.low marcus.l marcus.t peien peizhi pengseng qianyu rachel rebecca rucui sandra shaun shuhui simin siwei tingkiaw vanessa vivian yeewei yingteng yingxin yongqin yuling zhenpang

okay, really had a GREAAT destress in the morning ... / blogging early in the morning .cos going for SL la... / posting ;today is crappieee ):PE mrslim nvr come D... / ohmygod .i havent been posting for such DAMN long ... / WOTS . today darn tired. D:lessons sibeh bored , w... / today chao funny (:PE lesson like , train 2.4km ..... / LOLtoday wad lol-ed .morning - CHANGE SEATING ARRA... / uh oh .my new seating arrangement will beoh-so bor... / okok today is like ARGH .CL kinda slacked , test g... / aw c'mon , HOLIDAYS ARE OVER .DARN .this whole hol... /

Coded by hasta mañana with gratitude towards thebikiniboy. Header inspirations: scintillantstar | Icon: crumblee xxx

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Sunday, April 5, 2009 /9:18 PM

i dont want to go around tagging people doing quizzes, so yeah. want do, grab'em .

1. PengSeng
2. Amelia
3. ZhenPang
4. Jaslyn
5. Kenneth
6. KaiLin
7. ChunLeng
8. DingQue
9. Simon
10. YeeWei
11. Vivian
12. Cheryl Y
13. Fitzgerald
14. Sherie
15. Edwin
16. YuLing
17. Clement C
18. YingXin
19. JiaYun
20. Jane
21. Bryan L

How Did You Meet 7?
[ ChunLeng ] 1H'08

What Would You Do If You And 15 Had Never Met?
[ Edwin ] hm weird .

What Would You Do If 20 and 1 Dated?
[ Jane & PengSeng ] hehheh . two worlds .

Have You Ever Seen 17 cry?
[ Clement C ] yea ..

Would 4 And 16 Make A Good Couple?
[ Jaslyn & YuLing ] they know each other wad .

Do You Think 11 Is Attractive?
[ Vivian ] *pukes then vomits blood* thumbs up!! [sarcasm]

What's 2 Favourite Colour?
[ Amelia ] green

When Was The Last Time You Talked To 9?
[ Simon ] fri?

What Language Does 8 Speak?
[ DingQue ] Shaunese .

Who Is 13 Going Out With?
[ Fitzgerald ] oh? good question .

What Grade Is 16 In?
[ YuLing ] 99 .

Would You Ever Date 17?
[ Clement C ] LOL .

Where Does 18 Live?
[ YingXin ] near hougang or sth

What Is The Best Thing About 4?
[ Jaslyn ] idk .. bimbo? lol .

What Would You Like To Tell 10 Right Now?
[ YeeWei ] dota..

What Is The Best Thing About 20?
[ Jane ] my duty-mate?

Have You Ever Kissed 2?
[ Amelia ] flying kiss of death. then got large explosion .

What's The Best Memory You Have Of 5?
[ Kenneth0 ] talks on the phone?

When's The Next Time You're Going To See 4?
[ Jaslyn ] tomorrow ?

How is 7 Different From 6?
[ ChunLeng & Kailin ] ones a shemale another a hefemale .

Is 2 Pretty?
[ Amelia ] answer diverted to ************

What Was Your First Impression Of 5?
[ Kenneth ] sick-shit.

How Did You Meet 3?
[ ZhenPang ] pri2?

Is 15 Your Best Friend?
[ Edwin ] good good friend la

Do You Hate 12?
[ Cheryl Y ] hahaha always laugh at her .

Have You Seen 18 In The Last Months?
[ YingXin ] ya?

When Was The Last Time You Saw 16?
[ YuLing ] fri?

Have You Been To 5 House?
[ Kenneth ] almost last time .

When's The Next Time You'll See 10?
[ YeeWei ] tmr .

Are You Close To 11?
[ Vivian ] sorta bt not so close

Have You Been To The Movies With 4?
[ Jaslyn ] nop .

Have You Gotten In Trouble With 8?
[ DingQue ] ee yer .

Would You Give 19 A Hug?
[ JiaYun ] for bdae?

When Have You Lied To 3?
[ ZhenPang ] no . he my damn good friend .

Is 11 Good At Socializing?
[ Vivian ] ask her .

Do You Know A Secret About 8?
[ DingQue ] meb .

Describe The Relationship Between 12 & 18
[ Cheryl Y & YingXin ] good friends/ classmates?

What's The Best About Your Friendship With 9?
[ Simon ] good friend .

What's The Worst Thing About 6?
[ KaiLin ] badmouth/goodmouth i gg .

Have You Ever Had A Crush On 12?
[ Cheryl Y ] wth .

How Long Have You Known 2?
[ Amelia ] 1 yr ++

Does 11 Has A Bf/Gf?
[ Vivian ] dun think so

Have You Ever Wanted To Punch 1 In The Face?
[ PengSeng ] hell yeah haha .

Has 21 Met Your Mother?
[ Bryan L ] nop .

How Did You Meet 11?
[ Vivian ] 1H'08

Did You Ever Accidentally Physically Hurt 3?
[ ZhenPang ] think so nid recall

Do You Live Close To 7?
[ ChunLeng ] nop

What's 8 Favourite Food?
[ DingQue ] ask simon .

What Kind Of Car Does 1 Have?
[ PengSeng ] toy cars .

Have You Travelled Anywhere With 9?
[ Simon ] travel to e!hub

If You Gave 14 $100, What Would He/She Spend It On?
[ Sherie ] class chalet .

missed out some names .
jia , weian , randy , tengxiong , and many more . this quiz sucks . i know . too bad your name wasn't up . hope to have more luck next quiz ;DDD