if you're all alone, when the pretty birds have flown, honey, i'm still free
take a chance on me

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student in CVSS, 3F'10. ex-student of PCS, 6A'07
Of course, I've got awesome friends that beat the rest. And I hate those bitches in my life. Gosh!
I would like a hoodie, an iPod touch, a new Nokia X6, new wallet, moar CHOCOLATES, 'cuz I've got a sweet tooth. Heh.
You can follow me on twitter if you like :)


just love me day by day
6A'07♥ 2H'09♥ PSC
adeline amelia angelyn azimah bingbing caishan camille celinef celinep cheryl chunleng clarisa clement dion eunice faye francis hazwan jane jared jaslyn jiahui jiarong jingyi jingyu joyce a.kailin o.kailin liyen manting marcus.low marcus.l marcus.t peien peizhi pengseng qianyu rachel rebecca rucui sandra shaun shuhui simin siwei tingkiaw vanessa vivian yeewei yingteng yingxin yongqin yuling zhenpang

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ubYTIazskQGamer, o... / today i slack again.thursday.hmmmm.LA, nth much, s... / kinda had fun today (:erm, today was ..some picnic... / nabei x.xinternet sibeh lag siol.everything load u... / weird day to begin with.go sch, saw fish in bus, w... / (:this is SUPER big ;oto remind people and myself ... / today is slack day, argh.erm, went for the guide p... / today is fun (:had full board @ morning, me and br... / TRANSFORMERS 2 / BAN.ZAI >< /

Coded by hasta mañana with gratitude towards thebikiniboy. Header inspirations: scintillantstar | Icon: crumblee xxx

follow me on twitter ~
secret valentine
Friday, July 3, 2009 /7:35 PM

had a very bad day today.
one of my worst days of the year.
today, got youth day,
okayokay lah, enjoyed myself with 1e.
then go down, saw our class dedications.
wanted dedicate [ i good person ],
but in the end cant submit all as ytd was deadline.
after sch went simon house, do work/ slack/ play.
play till near 6.
bad things kinda start.
i rch home, found out no dinner.
so had to make cup noodles.
1st - i open, ANTS ANTS ANTS. HOW TO EAT. throw.
2nd - pour water into cup, soapy soapy one. see liao wan eat? throw.
3rd - something not spoilt. pour water; NO WATER. nbnbnb.!
eat liao like damn spicy lidat,
seasoning too concentrated, didnt eat finish jiu throw le.
see my fcked up day.
stiu got more bad stuff;
so many smses not replyed. zzzz.
shant complain anymore.
hope y mother come back soon, if i hungry ask her cook her me.

wanted to dedicate secret valentine;
my post picture.
was gonna dedicate to:
2H, PSC, SCB, Mentor Councillors.
cant believe all so wasted.
really feel sad lorh.
sian. wan cry body just dont want to let me.